Monday, September 30, 2019

Racial, Gender, And Sexual Oriention Micro Aggressions Essay

The three types of micro aggression are racial micro aggression, gender micro aggression, and sexual orientation micro aggression. Racial micro aggression consists of subtle insults which can be verbal, nonverbal, or visual directed towards people of color, often automatically or unconsciously. It is a subtle form of racism. Racial micro aggression can take a number of different forms including: nullifying racial-cultural issues, making stereo-typical assumptions, and cultural insensitivity. They also play a role in unfairness in the legal system as they can influence the decisions of juries. Gender micro aggression is related to acts that perpetuate stereotypical gender roles. An example of this could be a male faculty member asking his male colleagues to help him work out a glitch in a piece of equipment in his laboratory but not asking his female colleagues making the notion that a woman’s mechanical aptitude is inferior to that of a man’s. These gender micro aggressions include devaluing, minimizing, belittling, and demeaning comments about women and women associated activities. Sexual orientation micro aggression is associated with actions that maintain stereotypes about homosexuals. An example of this would be assuming that all homosexual males personify women with high-pitched voices and manicured nails and that all lesbians have manly characteristics that signify that they are gay. The dynamics of micro aggression are the forces that tend to produce activity and change in racial, gender, and sexuality incidents. The dynamics behind micro aggression also tend to send messages towards people. An example of this could be when an white person asks an Asian American or Latino American to teach them words in their native language. This sends the message that they aren’t American and a foreigner. Another example would be a white person stating that an African American is very articulate. The actual message it sends is that it is unusual for someone of color to be intelligent. There are four dilemmas that we face during micro aggression. The first is the clash of racial realities where white Americans tend to think that racism is on the decline and that African Americans are doing better in life than 30 or 40 years ago. On the reverse side, blacks view whites as racially insensitive. The second dilemma is the invisibility of unintentional expressions of bias. This refers to the issue that in most cases racial biases are invisible and the wrongdoer is unaware of any injustice. The third is the perceived minimal harm of racial micro aggressions. This conveys the fact that when an individual is confronted with their micro aggressive acts the perpetrator usually believes that the victim has overreacted or is being overly sensitive. The last dilemma is the Catch 22 of responding to micro aggressions. The victim is usually perplexed about how to react whether it be deciding to do nothing or confronting the perpetrator. Sometimes, micro aggression can manifest in counseling. Under Denial of Individual Racism, a common response by Whites to people of color is that they can understand and relate to experiences of racism. Under Color Blindness, for example, a client of color stresses the importance of racial experiences only to have the therapist reply, â€Å"We are all unique. We are all individuals. † or â€Å"We are all human beings or the same under the skin. † These colorblind statements, which were intended to be supportive, to be sympathetic, and to convey an ability to understand, may leave the client feeling misunderstood, negated, invalidated, and unimportant. In clinical practice, micro aggressions are likely to go unrecognized by White clinicians who are unintentionally and unconsciously expressing bias. As a result, therapists must make a concerted effort to identify and monitor micro aggressions within the therapeutic context. CHAPTER 7 – CULTURALLY APPROPRIATE INTERVENTION STRATEGIES The communication styles identified in this chapter were verbal and non-verbal. Most communication specialists believe that only 30 to 40 percent of what is communicated conversationally is verbal. There are a number of non-verbal communication styles. These are proxemics, kinesics, paralanguage, and high-low context communication. The two concepts presented in sociopolitical facets of nonverbal communication were 1. Nonverbals as reflections of bias – this is represented in the example of the white women walking down the street past the white, black, and latino teenager. When passing the black and latino teenager she automatically clutched her purse and switched it to the other side. The women who switched their purse were operating from stereotype, biases, and preconceived notions about what minority youngsters are like. 2. Nonverbals as triggers to biases and fear – this is represented in the differences in that which cultures communicate. Whites often perceive black persons as a â€Å"threat† because of the way in which they communicate. Blacks are often high-key, animated, heated, and confrontational. They also believe the black male to be hostile, angry and prone to violence. Implications for Clinical Practice 1. Recognize that no one style of counseling or therapy will be appropriate for all populations and situations. 2. Become knowledgeable about how race, culture and gender affect communication styles. 3. Become aware of your own communication and helping styles. 4. Try to obtain additional training and education on a variety theoretical orientations and approaches 5. Know that each school of counseling and therapy has strengths but they might be one dimensional 6. Use an approach in training programs that call for openness and flexibility in conceptualizing the issues and actual skill building. It is important to know this because communication styles are strongly influenced by race, culture, ethnicity, and gender. These implications lend support to the notion that various racial groups exhibit differences in communication style. CHAPTER 8 – MULTICULTURAL FAMILY COUNSELING AND THERAPY There were five components of the multicultural family counseling and therapy: a conceptual model. 1. People Nature Relationships 2. Time Dimension 3. Relational Dimension 4. Activity Dimension 5. Nature of People Dimension Activity Dimension The primary characteristic of White U. S. cultural values and beliefs is the action orientation. They believe that we must master and control nature, we must always do something about a situation, and that we should always take a pragmatic and utilitarian view of life. Counselors expect clients to master and control their own life and environment and to take action to resolve their problems. It is evident everywhere and is reflected in how White Americans identify themselves by occupation. American Indians and Latinos/Hispanics prefer a being or being-in-becoming mode of activity. The American Indian concepts of self determination and noninterference are examples. The Latinos/Hispanics believe that people are born with dignity and deserve to be treated with respect. They are born with innate worth and importance. The inner soul and spirit are more important than the body. Both the Asian and African Americans operate from the doing orientation. However, the â€Å"doing† manifests differently than in White American lifestyle. The active dimension in Asians is related not to individual achievement, but to achievement via conformity to family values and demands. African Americans exercise considerable control in the face of adversity to minimize discrimination and to maximize success. Nature of People Dimension Middle class White Americans generally perceive the nature of people to be neutral. Environmental issues such as conditioning, family upbringing, and socialization are believed to be the dominant forces in determining the nature of the person. People are neither good nor bad but are a product of their environment. African Americans tend to have a mixed concept of people, but like their White counterparts, they believe people are generally neutral. Asian Americans and American Indians tend to emphasize the inherent goodness of people. Latinos may be described as holding the view that human nature is both good and bad. The Key Points for Clinical Practice 1. Know that our increasing diversity presents us with different cultural concepts of the family. 2. Realize that families cannot be understood apart from the cultural, social, and political dimensions of their functioning. 3. When working with a racial/ethnic group different from you, make a concerted and conscientious effort learn as much as possible about their definition of family and the values along with it. 4. Be attentive to cultural family structure and extended family ties. 5. Don’t prejudge based on your own ethnocentric perspective. 6. Realize that most minority groups view the wifely role as less important than the motherly role. 7. Utilize the natural help giving networks and structures that already exist in the minority culture in community. 8. Recognize that helping can take many forms. These forms often appear quite different than our own, but they are no less effective or legitimate. Multicultural counseling calls for the counselor to modify our goals and techniques to fit the needs of minority populations. 9. Assess the importance of ethnicity to clients and families. 10. Realize that the role of family counselor cannot be confined to culture bound rules. Effective multicultural counseling may include validating and strengthening ethnic identity increasing ones own awareness and use of the client support system, serving as a culture broker, and becoming aware of the advantages and disadvantages of being from the same or different ethnic background as your client. You shouldn’t feel you need to know everything about the ethnic group, you should avoid polarization of cultural issues. 11. Accept the notion that the family therapist will need to be creative in intervention techniques when working with minorities. Bold = most important points in clinical practice CHAPTER 9 – NON-WESTERN INDIGENOUS METHODS OF HEALING Culture bound syndromes are disorders specific to a cultural group or society but not easily given a DSM diagnosis. These illnesses or afflictions have local names with distinct culturally sanctioned beliefs surrounding causation and treatment. They include amok, ataque de nervios, brain fag, ghost sickness, koro, mal de ojo, nervios, and rootwork. It is very important for mental health professionals to become familiar not only with the cultural background of their clients, but to be knowledgeable about specific culture bound syndromes. A primary danger from lack of cultural understanding is the tendency to overpathologize or overestimate the degree of pathology. The principles of indigenous healing 1. The healing begins with an opening prayer and ends with a closing prayer. The pule creates an atmosphere for healing and involves asking the family gods for guidance. The gods aren’t asked to intervene but grant wisdom, understanding and honesty. 2. The ritual elicits a truth telling sanctioned by the gods and makes compliance among participants a serious matter. The leader states the problem, prays for a spiritual fusion, reaches out to resistant family members, and attempts to unify the group 3. Muhiki occurs which is a process of getting to the problems. The foregiving, releasing of wrongs, the hurts, and the conflicts produces a deep sense of resolution. 4. After the closing prayer the family participates in pant, the ritual in which food is offered to the gods and the participants. Implications for Clinical Practice 1. Do not invalidate the indigenous practices of your culturally diverse client. 2. Become knowledgeable about indigenous beliefs and healing practices. 3. Realize that learning about indigenous healing and beliefs entails experimental or lived realities. 4. Avoid overpathologizing and underpathologizing a culturally diverse clients problems. 5. Be willing to consult with traditional healers or make use of their services. 6. Recognize the spirituality is an intimate aspect of the human condition and a legitimate aspect of mental health work. 7. Be willing to expand your definition of the helping role to the community work and involvement.

The Great Depression 1929-33: A Sources Assignment

Question 1: Source A is an election poster published by the Democratic Party during the Depression. It is a cynical portrayal, mocking the Republican Party's beliefs. It implies that their policies have no foundations by telling people to smile and hope the Depression will go away, ‘This wonderful little gadget will solve the problems of the Nation'. It also says ‘WARNING – Do not risk Federal arrest by looking glum'. This is a subtle, sardonic reference to the Bonus Marchers, who had fought in the First World War and who, in May 1932 marched to demand immediate payment of the bonus they had been promised by the government. The quote from the poster refers to the way the government put down the protesters by arresting people and using violence. This poster gives us evidence about the beliefs of the Democratic Party and the methods employed by it to gain support. However, as the poster is a piece of propaganda and aims to persuade people to support their party it is biased and opinionated. This means that it may be over exaggerated for effect and comedy value. The truth may have been stretched to make a joke of it and win people's support. I do not agree that this poster (source A) does not give any evidence about the Great Depression. It may not be reliable evidence but it does have some historical value. It presents evidence about the ‘Bonus Army', the views of the Republican and Democratic Parties and the methods used by the Democratic Party to gain support. Question 2: Source B was written at the time of the Depression by an American actor, Will Rogers. It is quite accurate about what was happening, he says ‘We are starving to death', which was actually happening at this time. It is a primary source, written by someone with direct experience of the Depression but it cannot be completely reliable as although it is stated as fact it is actually opinion. This makes it less reliable as the author of the source may be biased or not know all of the facts. This source is particularly unreliable as an actor who may have over exaggerated to produce an effect wrote it. Source C is a statement written by D.B. O'Callagham, author of ‘Roosevelt and the United States'. It was written in 18966, over thirty years after the Depression. This source comments less on the impact of the Depression than Source B. It talks more about the Wall Street Crash and is based more on facts than opinion. It uses other sources as evidence to support the facts, ‘Economical experts have said†¦' and although it is a secondary source it seems quite accurate. The fact that it was written after the Depression gives it the advantage of hindsight but means it may be less accurate. Overall I think Source C is more reliable as evidence about the impact of the Depression because it is more factual then Source B. The author of the book would have tried to make it as accurate as possible and backs up his argument with evidence. Question 3 Source D is an artist's view of the Wall Street Crash. This tells us that it is not factual as it is a painting based on the artist's opinion and the artist is probably trying to put across his own point of view. It was created in October 1929 (at the time of the Wall Street crash) and was probably painted by someone with direct experience of the Crash. However it is quite an abstract painting, which different people may interpret in different ways. Source E is a set of statistics showing the changes in the price of shares of leading US companies between September and November 1929. They seem to be quite accurate as to the general change in prices but they are ‘from official figures' which means their accuracy depends on the accuracy of the figures from which they are compiled. These figures could have been adjusted to support an argument, and they lack detail that may improve their reliability. I think that Source E is more useful to a historian studying the Wall Street Crash because the statistics are more factual. There is very little factual information supplied by Source D and its usefulness could depend on the historian's interpretation of the painting. However the statistics although not completely sound are more reliable and useful as evidence because they are factual. Question 4 Source E is from a popular song of 1932. It tells of how the protagonist thought he was ‘building a dream' on the way to ‘peace and glory' for his country but he is now standing in the bread line. This is a typical story of what happened to many working-class men during the Depression. They spent their lives working hard for a better life but the suffered worst during a Depression that was not their fault. This makes the song seem accurate as this actually happened to many people. However the song may have been changed or simplified to fit a certain rhythm or rhyme and the songwriter probably had a personal point, which he wished to put across. I think that it does give an accurate interpretation of most people's attitudes towards the Depression. Not all people would have agreed with this interpretation because they were not affected in this way. This was mainly rich people and people who had been lucky enough to keep their jobs. However I think that it does give an accurate interpretation of a great proportion of people. It is called a ‘popular song', this means that a lot of people must have liked the song, probably because they found it truthful as they could relate to its message and because the were comforted to find that others were in the same position as them. Question 5 Source A does not really give much of an idea as to who suffered more or less during the Recession. It is an election poster aimed to appeal to all people who had suffered under the Depression. Source B says that the working classes were not to blame for the Depression and that it was the rich people whose fault it was. It implies that the poor suffered more because although they were not to blame they felt the effects of it worst. Source C tells us that not enough money was ‘finding its way into the hands of the workers' in the prosperity of the twenties. This shows that the workers did not enjoy much of the wealth of this decade and as a result of this they suffered worse in the Depression because the little they had, they lost. Source D does not tell us anything about the poorer people as it does not distinguish between the rich and the poor. Source E also does not give much of idea about the suffering of the poor, as statistics do not go into enough detail to tell us this. Source F probably says the most about poor people. The person who wrote the song tells us about waiting in line for bread and begging for money. I do not think that the poor suffered most as a result of the Great Depression because the people who were already poor did not have much to loose. If they were very poor before the Depression, the Depression had little or no effect on them. I think that the people who suffered the most were the working classes who had worked hard all their lives and earned their money. They lost the most during the Wall Street Crash, because the Rich did not loose enough to affect them and the poor lost nothing at all. Therefore I think that it was not the poor but the working classes who suffered the most because they lost what they had worked their whole lives for.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Autobiographical Essay on “the Life as a Small Business Thinker”

I was born in 1978, and started my life-education when I was at 5 years of age in a USM kindergarten, Penang. I grew up in Penang, had an ordinary secondary education in two schools (SMKA Almashoor and St. George’s Girls School), which I find two different cultures in both schools. While in an Islamic school, we were thought all the essential Islamic values which (I think) made the most of who I am today. Meanwhile being in St’ George’s Girls School, a multi-cultural school, has developed me into a self-confident woman and motivated in life and what I do.Most of this essay is a series of vignettes from my professional life, in chronological order. This is the story of my life, with an elaboration of what I think is the point of it all; my personal assessment of what I did and why I became a marketer. At the age of 34, I was beginning to re-think all the decisions that I’ve made through my life and all the â€Å"what ifs† question that was not answer able up till now. For weeks, I have been contemplating and have faint urges to pursue more in life, and get hold of one most important thing in my life: graduate with a MBA in my hand!When I enrolled to UiTM, the decision to major in broadcasting was something I did not take lightly. I was sure of the decision I made without knowing the after-crisis that I might face later on. I spent 4 years of my life majoring in Broadcasting, and was enjoying college life as much as I could. I was always fascinated by the world of broadcasting and all its stories. It’s impossible for me to pin-point when I first became interested with broadcasting as it has been there for as long I can remember.I was lucky enough to land a 6 months practical at a production house that had given me exciting insights in the world of broadcasting. I remember going back to class from the 6 exciting months feeling enthusiastic about life, work and all the people that I have met in the industry. The months of ha rdworking, fast-paced industry were what I longed for. At this point, my post-graduation plan was to work in a tv station (or small market station at least). I was expecting a low salary and ungodly hours, but I was looking at the experience as an extension of my education.I remember when I completed my paper during my finals, my head was racing with so-called future plans, and I could remember that faint twinge of excitement as I flip through the newspapers looking for jobs in tv station. I also remember the journey to several tv stations that I went for interviews that turned me down as I had no relevant experience for the job. I figured quickly, the jobs available to me were limited, because I was lack of experience, and I was young. After weeks of searching, and drilling interview sessions, I finally land a marketing job at Seniko Sdn Bhd. an IT company in Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. I took the job instantly, as I thought, I must have done something right to market myself that the Man ager offered me the post immediately. My first job in a way has changed my outlook and way of life. It was really the key that made me start to grow as a person, and expanded my responsibilities extensively. The first job was always the hardest to cope with, until I realized many things in life is implied through my first marketing job.

What Are the Most Important Agents of Socialization and How Are They Being Accounted for in Children Lives

Parents are important agents of socialization but they are not the only source of socialization when it comes to kids. In my paper I will be discussing the important factors of socialization and what we perceive to be a turning point in our children lives. Believe it or not but parents, family, educational institutions, and media are socializing agents who carry out the process of socialization. The family is the most influential socializing agent. Infants are born into certain types of families and grow up with them as children and adults. Socialization is the process of imbibing the norms, value and social patterns of a particular society. It is also closely linked to the concept of individual and personal development. The family is perhaps the most important source of socialization, given its central role in the early developmental period (Holm, 2005). It plays this central role because it introduces children to intimate relationships and gives them their first experience of being treated as distinct individuals. In essence, the family is the child’s first reference group, the first group whose norms and values the child adopts as his or her own and uses to evaluate his or her behavior. The family also introduces children to group life. Several factors in family life affect socialization. For example, fathers and mothers have different parental styles. Fathers tend toward physical play and unfamiliar games, while mothers tend toward vocal interaction and familiar games. The numbers of siblings and the birth order also have substantial effects. Interactions with siblings enable children to learn about cooperation and conflict as well as negotiation and bargaining. Finally, the family introduces the child into society, helping him or her to find an identity in the larger social world. Socialization is seen as an essential process in the lives of the young child and adult in that it is an essential process of learning and adaptation necessary for social and psychological well-being and survival. The family and socialization are terms that are often linked in terms of their sociological nature and function, the family is in most societies the area or the social structure where the child is socialized and where he or she learns the norms and mores of that particular social environment and culture (Starrels, 2000). Notwithstanding the recent sociological concern about the demise of the family structure in developed countries like United States, the family is still generally seen as the centre of the socialization process. Ultimately, the values or characteristics of a family impact the children. For example, the children of families who are not overly rigid and restrictive are usually content and well-adjusted; however, children who grow up in environments that are too restrictive often become defiant and lack confidence. There are two basic aspects of socialization. First, socialization creates individuals who are part of a human community. It enables people to live within their groups and to be effective members of the society into which they are born. Second, socialization is the process by which a society reproduces itself in a new generation. It helps transmit the values and traditions of the past to the next generation (Tannenbaum 1967). The highest values and discourage deviation from social values do not just come from the family but through other sources such as institutions and peers. (Arnett 1995). Sociologists have long recognized that peers play a critical role in children’s initiation to society. Peer groups provide experience with egalitarian relationships. The absence of a power imbalance enables peers to teach other skills and to provide resources in ways in which parents frequently cannot. Children select peers; they do not select their parents. This selection opportunity enables children and young adults to test some of their preferences for certain types of friends. Peers also teach each other about subjects that adults consider sensitive or taboo and develop their own distinctive norms and values. During adolescence the influence of peers increases, while the influence of parents decreases. Adolescents often experience conflict with the power and expectations of their parents and other adults. However, adolescents generally remain responsive to their parent’s desires regarding goals and values. Peer values generally reinforce parental values. Cross-cultural research has highlighted differences in peer group socialization in different societies (Wilson, 1995). Children are exposed increasingly to a variety of mass media. The media play a substantial role in contemporary socialization and have become increasingly important over the last several decades. Children in the United States today spend more time watching television than in school. Parents as well as others have become increasingly concerned with the role of television and other mass media, but a review of the research on the impact of television on children yields mixed results. Fathers, especially, are still likely to stress the importance of a career or occupational success for their sons than for their daughters. As a result, parents are more likely to provide opportunities for their sons than for their daughters( Benokraitis,2008) Generally my research shows that watching programs which emphasize positive values often stimulates positive behaviors, where as viewing violence and other negative types of programs encourages aggression and other types of negative behaviors. At a minimum, it is clear that television can have a major effect in that children interact with television in much the same way as they interact with other elements in their social environment. Education has become an increasingly important source of socialization in the last century as society became less rural and more urban. School serves as a transition point between the home and the adult world. Schools teach certain official values such as intellectual skills, but they also include a hidden curriculum that teaches useful skills such as how to live in a bureaucratic setting (Mcleod, 1967). Adult socialization is also transparent. Some life transitions simply build on existing norms, values, and roles; others require resocialization or the internalization of an alternative set of norms and values. For example, army recruits and mental patients must be resocialized to their new roles. Desocialization requires stripping oneself of the self-image and values acquired previously and replacing them with a new outlook and self-image. Total institutions, such as prisons, are organizations that deliberately close themselves off from the outside world and lead a very insular life that is formally organized and tightly controlled. Newcomers to total institutions undergo mortification: they are stripped of clothes and personal possessions and are given standard clothing. They perform meaningless tasks, endure abuse and are deprived of privacy; these procedures are designed to destroy newcomer’s feelings of self-worth and to prepare them for deference to their superiors (Summers, 1972). Occupational socialization involves learning the norms, values, and beliefs appropriate for a new occupation or organization. Considerable variation occurs in the type and extent of occupational socialization. In conclusion I would like add that â€Å"Agents of Socialization† defines socialization as the process of passing down cultural beliefs and practices to society; many groups in society are involved in this process, but after researching I found out that the family is the most important socializing agent. The restrictiveness of the family environment can impact socialization of children, affecting how well-adjusted children and teenagers are. Social class can affect the ways that families socialize their children. Lower class parents tend to be more controlling and rigid, whereas middle class parents tend to encourage more independence. In the past three decades, the ways that families socialize their children have changed. Specifically, society’s views of children and teenagers have changed from one in which children and teenagers are naive and immature to one in which they are viewed as more competent and worldly. Also, adults have become less controlling over time.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Disappearance of its Soviet

In less than two decades, Beijing has taken advantage of the disappearance of its Soviet neighbor to launch its program of development of the â€Å"Great West† and open up Gaining to border actions, while the states of Central Asia, seeking new partners, have sought to benefit from China's dynamism by integrating themselves into the Asia-Pacific zone of prosperity.While the Chinese authorities may make a point of honor in establishing cordial relations with the five states of the region, Astrakhan partnership with China is termed â€Å"strategic, confirming Stand as a major political ally of Beijing in a post-Soviet climate in which the Khaki government is displaying balanced and diversified policies in the face of Moscow heavy- handed presence. This privileged China-Astrakhan partnership is based on a alliterated economic reality. These days, China-Astrakhan trade represents more than two-thirds (about 70 percent) of all China-Central Asia trade.Unlike the other historical p ower in the region, Islam Karamazov Uzbekistan, Astrakhan, under the leadership of President Nursling Nazarene since 1989, has undertaken important economic liberalizing reforms that, despite their limitations, are now succeeding in attracting foreign investment. Astrakhan has thus become the second richest country in the post-Soviet space: with a GAP estimated at $9,400 per capita in 2006, it sits Just behind Russia (with approximately $12,000) but ahead of the other Central Asian countries (between $8,500 and $1,300).In 15 years, it has succeeded in dramatically halving the portion of its population living below the poverty line (now less than 25 percent), whereas in the other four states of the region, more than half of the population is still considered â€Å"poor. † In addition, the country has seen the emergence of a middle class, a guarantee of longer-term stability. The exponential growth in economic relations with China since the beginning of the sass has not once be en challenged.Astrakhan even opened a consulate in Hong Kong in 2003 and one in Shanghai in 2005 to facilitate contact. Nevertheless, economic relations between the two countries reveal multiple imbalances that are increasingly raising questions within Astrakhan's political class and among local experts. While the official Chinese position extols the complementarily of the two economies and the mutual benefit of trade, this optimistic view is largely disputed on the ground. Khaki concerns over possible Chinese domination are based not only on economic arguments .They need o be situated in a social context in which fear of China remains very real: the general lack of knowledge about China, and fear of too great a difference in demographic power, might well be important factors influencing Khaki reactions to China's growing presence. With the increasing integration with the global world, Chinese trade along with world trade as a whole is dominated by trade between major trading blocs, such as East Asia, the North American Free Trade Area (NONFAT) and the European Union (ELI) each of which includes economically advanced market economies.Of these partners Chinese trade with the EX. has increased significantly in importance . In 2008, the EX. imported IIS$378 billion of commodities from China (IIS$ 293. 1 billion reported by China), making China the largest supplier of EX. merchandise imports. These imports included merchandise from EX. companies that had relocated parts of their global production systems in China. The SEIZE exported IIS$ 113 billion of goods to China (IIS$ 132. 8 billion reported by China) making the EX. China's second largest source of imports (after Japan).The result was a IIS$ 265 billion trade deficit for the SEIZE. This deficit is a major source of contention between these two major riding partner. The last 20 years of china economy has been dramatic. World exports from China are growing dramatically to industrial country markets . This proce ss could continue for some time because of huge youth population. However, by some indicators, China's experience is less dramatic than that of Japan and Korea during their period of industrialization and integration with the global economy.Generally speaking trade between developed and developing economies involves a vertical division of labor in which developed economies produce high value-added goods and services and exchange them for low value-added goods and services from economically less-developed countries. When China embarked on a path of export-led growth, it accordingly specialized in sectors producing relatively simple, labor-intensive and mass-produced goods and services.To maintain sustainable economic growth, China's ambition is however to upgrade its industrial structure moving into more advanced sectors and functional roles including in its trade with economically advanced countries . The Chinese-Astrakhan regional economic cooperation, according to national interes ts of the Republic of Astrakhan, has good conditions for institutional semantics. Astrakhan is rich with oil: the proved stocks of oil of 24 billion tons on a land, and stocks of continental seas of 70 million tons.Astrakhan though has a stable and safe outlet to the sea and access to the international markets according to national interests practically it can't provide. To construction Chinese-Astrakhan the oil pipeline and the gas pipeline, practically export by Astrakhan of crude oil, gas and oil products depended on Russia. The Chinese-Astrakhan regional economic cooperation promotes distribution of Astrakhan structures of radioactivity and optimization of distribution of available resources . 1. 2 Astrakhan Trade Research Status Astrakhan for 21 years was deeply integrated into world economy, actively involved in globalization process.Now the republic does business practically all countries of the world. His trade partners are 212 states and territories on all continents. The v olume of the foreign trade commodity turnover for 1994-2010 grew from bal. Dollars to 90,1 billion. The highest volumes in 109,1 bal. Dollars were reached in 2008. In the history of the foreign trade relations of the country positive lance in 39,8 bal. Dollars, received for January – Seep. 2011, it is reached for the first time. It is expected that following the results of 2011 the volume of external commodity turnover will be the highest in the history of the country and will make about 115 bal. Lars. It should be noted that excess of export over import remains same as 1995 so far. In foreign trade of Astrakhan for years of Independence there were changes. Character and the maintenance of the external economic relations led to shifts in a geographical orientation of commodity streams . Two groups of partners were rated. With one steady growth is observed, with others recession was outlined. So, for 1995-2011 in a foreign trade turnover of the country the share of Europe grew from 26% to 31,6%, Asia from to 24%, including China from 4% to 21%, America from 1% to 5, Africa from to 0,22.Growth of deliveries of fuel and energy resources, mineral raw materials to these regions and growing volumes of purchases of the latest cars and the equipment from the developed countries became defining. From Africa, especially from Kenya, import of tea, Ghana cocoa increased, Tunisia and Egypt got wheat, Morocco sulfur. In export structure the greatest share is the share of EX. countries (48,5%), despite its decrease in comparison with 2010 for 3%. The main products of export are energy carriers and oil.The share of export to the Countries in a total amount of export for the last year decreased from 9,4% to 8,6%. Export to China, other countries of the world and other CICS countries for the last year, on the contrary, increased, having made 18,5%, 18,5% and 5,9% respectively. Geography of Astrakhan's exports In structure of import of ARK the greatest share is the share of the Customs union countries – 445% or 16,9 billion USED. This indicator is times more, than import volumes from EX. countries, it is 3,4 times more than a volume of import from China and in 5,7 times more import volume from other CICS countries.The share of deliveries from China, the countries of the Customs union and other CICS countries grows in import of ARK whereas from the others the direction decreases. As a whole volumes of export and ARK import in mutual trade increase, however it is difficult to give an unambiguous assessment of influence of the Customs Union on foreign trade of Astrakhan as process of administrative settlement of functioning of he Customs Union, harmonistic and unification of various procedures at implementation still proceeds mutual trade between participant countries.Further the analysis of structure of export and import in a section of raw and processed production will be carried out, and also specification of processed production on intermedi ate, consumer and means of production is presented. Export of the processed goods of ARK grows, having outstripped in 2011 volumes of 2008 for 10,6% or for 2,1 billion USED. At the same time, the specific weight of the processed export decreases. It is connected by that cost the volume of raw export rows quicker in connection with a rise in prices for energy resources.In 2011 the ratio of processed and raw production in import made 89% and 11% respectively, and the gain of import of processed production (24,4%) is more, than the gain raw that can promote a competition aggravation between foreign and domestic producers who and so are in rather vulnerable situation . Export grew so quickly mainly thanks to increase in physical volumes of deliveries and prices of oil, oil products, natural gas and radioactive elements uranium. The main buyers of these goods are EX. and China therefore their shares in the total amount of export increased.Volumes of export of other important export goods (ferrous and non-ferrous metals, including gold, and also grain and wheat flour) too increased, but in less than export of energy carriers that led to decrease in a share of these goods in a total amount of export in 2010 in comparison with 2000. It also led to decrease in shares of Russia and Switzerland which are large import-shooting galleries of metals from Astrakhan. During 2000-2010 Astrakhan practically stopped supply of oil and oil products to offshore zones (The Bermuda and British Virgin Islands).Astrakhan exports very few other goods besides energy resources, metals and grain; the share of such goods in the total amount of export decreased from 14% in 2000 to 6% in 2010; if to measure in absolute expression in the prices and at an exchange rate of 2010, this export decreased by 21%. 1. 3 China and Astrakhan on trade Development For Astrakhan, the future of economic relations with China is bilateral. The China-Astrakhan relationship will be strengthened even further by ac cession to the World Trade Organization (WTFO), which will enable Chinese companies to invest more in the Khaki market.Economic relations are also developing to a certain degree in a multilateral context through the Shanghai Cooperation (SOC), even if China's presence by way of the SOC is considerably greater in Gyrations and Atkinson. Thus, the $900 million of credit proposed by in 2004 – and implemented from 2006 onwards -was destined primarily for the region's poorest states, not for Astrakhan. Nevertheless, the Organization has instigated projects involving all the Central Asian states, such as the Caspian Sea-China highway that starts in Russia and crosses Astrakhan, rail connections, and the construction of hydroelectric power stations.However, despite the measures adopted by the SOC Business Council to strengthen linkages between the Central Asian states, government-to-government disagreements often delay their implementation. Several Khaki specialists also complain of the Co's inability to promote its economic strategies in business circles; some of its decisions are said to remain declarations of intent due to a lack of information among business leaders.. It is difficult to obtain a precise assessment of China-Astrakhan trade figures.The official statistics consider a little extent of cross-border trade, and cannot measure he amount of illegal trade, particularly in metals, or contraband, such as acetic anhydride, the chemical required to turn opium into heroin. Some local specialists point out significant differences between the Chinese and Khaki statistics. Thus, when Astrakhan claimed $550 million of trade with China in 1999, Beijing was already confirming more than $1 billion. In 2005, the discrepancy grew wider: Astrakhan, according to Stand, apparently achieved imports from China with a total value of $1. Billion, compared to almost $4 billion according to Beijing, and Stand reported exports to China worth nearly $2. Billion, exceeding t he Chinese figures by more than $500 million. The discrepancy can be attributed partly to political reasons: Stand seeks to overvalue its exports and undervalue Chinese imports in order to reduce a trade balance skewed too greatly in China's favor. In 2006, Astrakhan's trade deficit in relation to its neighbor was at least $1. 14 billion, 15 percent more than in 2005.On the other hand, the discrepancy can be explained by differences in accounting; Khaki businessmen have every reason to undervalue their trade flows in order to avoid taxes, unlike their Chinese counterparts, who receive tax concessions on exports. China's progress is so great that Beijing will soon catch up to Astrakhan's main trade partner, Russia. In 1992, China-Central Asia trade, two-thirds of which is China-Astrakhan trade, was barely $422 million, reaching $512 million in 1993. It plummeted in 1994 as a result of stricter visa processes, then rapidly climbed again, reaching $699 million 1997.It experienced a dec rease ($588 million) again as a result of the Russian economic crisis of the summer of 1998, which similarly affected Central Asia, then began to grow at a rate that seems unstoppable now. Trade passed $1 billion in 2000 before rising tenfold to more than $10 billion in 2006. The volume of trade tripled between 2002 and 2005, but continued to largely favor Chinese exports, which represented two thirds compared to Central Sais's one third. Thus, in 2006, China represented 15. 5 percent of Astrakhan's foreign trade (almost $9 billion), nearing Russian's 18. Percent (almost $11 billion). China's Trade Ministry quoted a figure of $10. 8 billion, which would put Moscow and Beijing on an equal footing, while Vladimir Paramount and Aliases Strokes add another $2 billion or more in illegal read, which would give China trade supremacy over Russia. According to Khaki experts, the bilateral trade figure is expected to reach $15 billion in 2008. The imbalance of power between China and Astrakha n remains glaringly obvious. In 2006, Astrakhan represented only 0. 49 percent of China's foreign trade (the whole of Central Asia representing 0. 60 percent).This imbalance is shifting to foreign investment: in 2005, China injected $1. 2 billion into the Khaki economy (82 percent in the hydrocarbon sector and 14 percent in the construction sector), whereas Astrakhan invested only $7. Million in China. The Chinese and Khaki economies are, however, proving to be complementary to a large degree. More than 80 percent of China's exports to Astrakhan are finished consumer items (textiles, shoes, appliances, toys, electronics, spare parts, pharmaceutical products, foodstuffs), while 85 percent of Astrakhan's exports to China consist of raw materials (petroleum, ferrous and non-ferrous metals).In some sectors such as aluminum, the unidirectional nature of trade flows is impressive: more than 95 percent of Astrakhan. 1. 4 Research Purpose and Science Contribution . 4. 1 Purpose This thesis aims to bring some conclusion like how the Bilateral relations between the countries have proved to be mutually beneficial to both for strategic reasons. The two economies are highly complementary. This thesis has tried to figure out how China can help Astrakhan in many areas since it has a lot of experience in how to develop.And to successfully overcome the negative aftermath of the global financial crisis, also managed to significantly increase the volume of trade and economic cooperation. At the same time the thesis has tried to figure out the active aspects and threat that has arisen in Astrakhan side because of heavily depended on consuming Chinese products and not developing the self-sustainable producing and manufacturing culture. 1. 4. 2 Science contribution With these research questions in mind, the purpose of this dissertation is to investigate how China and Astrakhan will make a business in the future.Keywords: export, import, GAP, Trade, development, bilateral relation. 2 Content and methodology 2. 1 Main content In the research we will analyze the main problems in Trade between China and Astrakhan and how to solve it. Despite stability of trade and economic, more detailed analysis of the Astrakhan-Chinese cooperation revealed a number of the main problems in system of the bilateral economic relations. First, prevalence of a raw orientation in structure of commodity turnover of Astrakhan with China.The analysis of export-import streams shows that about 98% of the Astrakhan export to China are made by strategically important raw materials. The special attention in March, 2008 in Beijing a business forum â€Å"Astrakhan -? China was paid to discussion of this problem: partnership for success†. In speech of the Prime minister of Astrakhan Karri Misaims it was noted that â€Å"the structure of the Astrakhan export to the People's Republic of China keeps a pronounced survey orientation† .The main articles of the Astrakhan export to China - ? goods of survey group: hire of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, scrap metal, oil, and also raw leather, cotton raw, wool. Astrakhan imports from China finished goods, first of all, goods of routinely demand, mechanisms, electric equipment, production of transport mechanical engineering, etc. And the Chinese import to Astrakhan is hardhearted in most cases by goods of not high quality which competes with domestic producer owing to the low price and quantity.During the research we will prove or disprove all our assumption. The thesis will be divided into three parts: 1) The remainder of part I contains a review of the relevant literature, an introduction to the theories used to answer the research questions and a detailed description of the method. These sections focus on the research area and research approach, providing an overall context for the thesis. 2) Part II includes the main analysis of the research subject. ) Part Ill contains a conclusion and recommendations. It summarize s the key findings from the dissertation.It also includes a further scenarios and suggestions for future. 2. 2 Methodology and data The researcher approaches the object subjectively based on their prior understanding of the object. Therefore the authors have chosen the descriptive approach. The descriptive approach does not mean that the authors will find an absolute truth, but rather form an understanding of the investigated subject. This study does not aim to measure the exact phenomena; in contrast we aim to receive a greater understanding of bilateral trade.Since the purpose of this paper was not to find any absolute truths, this approach will give us more freedom to interpret the information we have collected based on the frames of references. We have chosen a qualitative approach in order to be able to collect detailed information from the secondary data regarding the topic. This is of great importance in order to sustain answer to our purpose. This will lead to a greater unde rstanding for their choices regarding our questions and enables us to discuss among those.According to Holmes and Solving (1997) a qualitative approach will help the authors to research the problem more closely and also provides opportunities to ensure validity and reliability of the study . The authors need to interpret and understand the usage of how the area of interest works and how it can be used. It is an advantage if those who will implemental research of qualitative approach have knowledge about the area (Patella & Davidson 2003). According to Barman and Bell (2007), there are researchers who are critical to the qualitative approach due to subjectivity. However, we have tried to be as objective as possible in our study .

Abortion and Infanticide Michael Tooley Term Paper

Abortion and Infanticide Michael Tooley - Term Paper Example The researcher states that in his article Abortion and Infanticide Michael Tooley argues that embryos, fetuses and very young infants do not have a right to life due to their failure to satisfy â€Å"the self-consciousness requirement.† Argument of Tooley’s In the year 1972, Micheal Tooley has written the article ‘Abortion and Infanticide’. This article covered various aspects of abortion and infanticide from the Tooley’s perspective. The essay dealt with the morality issue of abortion and infanticide and questioned based on moral principles. These moral principles defined the basic rights of life. The author compared human fetus and infants to the adult members of various species like dogs, cats, polar bears and others and argued over the right to life issue. The author points out the morally relevant difference of newborn baby and earlier stage of development of human being. There are different views over the issue of abortion among the conservativ e view and others. Tooley argues that abortion issue differs from the moral issue as it appears in extreme positions from the conservative point of view of looking at it as a person. In the case where is not identified as a person than how it can be wrong in destroying it. Tooley explains infanticide from an emotional angle and regards it receiving the similar reaction from the society as it does in the cases linked with taboos of masturbation or oral sex in the past. However, the response to the infanticide is much stronger. Tooley differentiates the terms person and human beings and regards a person to be a moral concept. He explained the arguments of Roger Wertheimer in the opposition of abortion as Wertheimer used the term human being and person interchangeably and explained that from the moment of conception a fetus is a human being or a person. Tooley further compared the issue of abortion to the issue o Negro slavery. Tooley agrees to the same and draws the similar meaning fr om the term human being and person. The argument goes further in justifying that a person means a right to life. Tooley discusses that the strength of life with the simple explanation of being self conscious entity is incomplete as it will qualify all the animals in our everyday life to be person who are getting murdered for our preferences i.e. â€Å"Once one reflects upon the question of the basic moral principles involved in the ascription of a right to life to organisms, one may find himself driven to conclude our everyday treatment of animals is morally indefensible, and that we are in fact murdering innocent persons. † There have been three counterexamples of the claims of rights and desired in which desire can be absent due to emotional disturbance, it can be of a situation of temporarily unconscious of a previously conscious person or it can be absent due to manipulation. The arguments of morality can be different from each of the case. Tooley reinforces the need to h ave a demarking line where infanticide can have a clear cutoff point. There should be a line that can guide people to the safer side of the morality. Objection to Tooley’s Article Arp and Mahaffey explain the definition of person to be the one with the capacity of being rational or have intelligence, mental states on the issues like beliefs, desires, emotions, and self-awareness is strong and robust; use language, involved in relationships with other people and is morally responsible for one’s actions. Tooley’s essay treats the issue of abortion and infanticide with the vulnerable way for the understanding of the definition of the person is a self-conscious entity. A fetus or infant cannot be compared with animals or any other living beings as animals or animal babies do not have the similar potential of developing as a person to qualify on this definition. There are different definitions and circumstances of abortion. In medical terms, the life starts from the moment embryo is formed and it grows every day to become similar to the miniature form of a person.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Literature review on work plac stress Lab Report

Literature review on work plac stress - Lab Report Example Being one of its pioneer teachers, she has developed a high quality preschool program that has gained recognition in the city. It has attracted several parents to enroll their children in school. Over the years, the preschool’s enrollees have multiplied, much to the satisfaction of the school owners. This rise in student enrollment has likewise raised the demand for more teachers and staff. The school owners and directress have entrusted Kelly with the role of training new teachers with the quality of teaching she is known for. She is likewise head of the Parent Involvement Program of the school. Her many duties at work, on top of preparing for her own preschool class and her homemaker role at home has been taking its toll on Kelly. For the past month, she has complained of recurrent migraines, stomach pains and general body malaise. Generally, stress is what one feels when the demands on his life exceed his ability to meet those demands. The stressor may be external, such as the death of someone close to the individual or a sudden change in activity level. Or, it may be an internal stressor such as an illness. In Kelly’s case, her stressors are: overload of work duties, work-life imbalance, her own personality traits and the personalities of the people she works with. The interplay of stressors and the consistent experience of high amounts in one’s life can often lead to burnout. The term â€Å"burnout† is a relatively new term, first coined in 1974 by Herbert Freudenberger, in his book, â€Å"Burnout: The High Cost of High Achievement†. He originally defined ‘burnout’ as, â€Å"the extinction of motivation or incentive, especially where ones devotion to a cause or relationship fails to produce the desired results.† (Scott, 2007) While burnout is not a recognized clinical psychiatric or psychological disorder, there are some similar features between burnout and diagnosable conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders or

Research-based paper on the Problem Solving Process (PSP) for a Term

Research-based on the Problem Solving Process (PSP) for a selected organization - Term Paper Example workers’ strikes and go slows, a high rate of workers’ turnover, lateness and absenteeism among workers, as well as, general theft and misbehavior of workers while at the premises of the organization (Avery, Auvine, Streibel, & Weiss, 1981). This research wants to focus on the best steps that the management can take in resolving a problem within the organization as fast as possible. The longer a problem runs within a company, the more risky and the less profitable the organization becomes due to increases inefficiencies, low productivity, as well as, low morale of workers, which might be the main cause of their underperformance. The research will evaluate the five main steps involved in the problem solving process, as well as, analyze its significance in the management and resolution of conflicts within an organization. This paper will enable an organization to define a certain criteria or standard of conflict resolution within the organization, and as such, empower the leadership of the company to take the forefront in effectively directing others in the research and resolution of issues. An organization in the modern world economy cannot go without a problem or a conflict that may threaten its performance or image in the market. As such, it is imperative for the organization to have an appropriate plan that will enable it maneuver through such a crisis without suffering any significant overhead complications. For example, the Airtel Corporation, a global telecommunications company with its base in India, once had workers strife. This became a global phenomenon whereby nearly 80% of the company’s dedicated workers at the home country went on an industrial action. The workers’ industrial action was to demand for a pay rise, as well as, demand for other benefits and allowances. Furthermore, these employees were not patient enough to let the organization resolve the issues and as such meet their grievances as some of them quit the organization for other

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Non-discrimination is a Cornerstone of GATT Law Essay

Non-discrimination is a Cornerstone of GATT Law - Essay Example The most important trade principle was non-discrimination with regard to the treatment of trade in goods among countries. Article 1 of the GATT, states that any advantage given by a contracting party to a product of another country, must be extended unconditionally to a like product of all other contracting parties. The above article is the most favoured nation principle. A second rule of non-discrimination is national treatment, the principle that imported and domestic goods should be treated equally. Although non-discrimination is a cornerstone of the GATT, some exceptions are allowed. For example, custom unions, free-trade areas, and special treatment for developing countries are permitted. (Fergusson, 2007). Another principle is the open and fair application of any trade barriers. Tariffs were the most common and visible form of trade barrier at the time the GATT was established. (Fergusson, 2007). Tariffs are bound or set at maximum levels, and not to increase above the negotiated level. In general, quantitative restrictions such as quotas were not allowed, since tariffs were much easier to identify and to eventually reduce. The paper will focus on the most favoured principles and the national treatment principles. Studies and researches will be presented to evaluate the cornerstone of GATT law which is non-discrimination. Definition of Terms GATT - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Like Products or Likeness - having the same characteristics. The term applies to the products of different countries being exported and imported. The purpose of defining "Like Products" is to create a criterion by which likeness to be measured. One must described the individual criteria with some care, and after that it is possible to talk about degrees of likeness within the boundaries of those criteria or characteristics. Discrimination - in economic, the definition is less favourable treatment of goods from one foreign country vis a vis the goods of another foreign country. Brief History of GATT Law After World War II a new order came in about trading. The Breton Woods Conference1 in 1944, created the International Monetary Fund2 nd the World Bank for economic restructuring and development in Western Europe. The General Agreement on Trade and Tariff was created at the first session of the Preparatory Committee of UN Conference on Trade and Employment in 1946. (Williams, 2006). The GATT's initial purpose was to negotiate tariff concessions among members and to establish a code of conduct and procedures for the resolution of trade disputes by negotiation. Successive negotiations (called rounds) have also focussed on the code of conduct for no tariff barriers. The GATT was founded on the principles of non discrimination and multilateralism in international trade. Non discrimination is expressed via unconditional Most Favoured Nation status for all contracting parties. By this convention "if the tariff on imports from one country is decreased, the tariff on all imports of the same goods from other GATT members must be reduced." (Williams, 2006). The debacle of the 1930's led to a reassessment, realignment and restructuring of the world economy. The result of the reassessment was that tariff wars were destructive

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 50

Ethics - Essay Example One of the common unethical practices in retailing is lack of honesty. Lack of honesty is unethical because when a business man or woman fails to be honest to his/her employees and customers, it will highly affect their trust. Most clients like to trust the people who give them the products they need, and when a retailer fails to be honest, most of them tend to run away from the retailer (Robinson, 2009). Most customers question the ethics of their retailers and, therefore, it is vital for the retailers to be honest to their customers. Dishonesty is an unethical practice in retailing and it comes with consequences. First of all, lack of honesty in a business can lead to the loss of customers. For instance, many customers will run away from a dishonest retailer because they cannot trust him/her anymore. In addition, it can affect the business’ economic stability especially when customers are gone because of lack of honesty. Unethical sales practices such as dishonesty can also cost the employees and the community at large. Most employees will always leave after they realize the management of the employers are not honest with their clients. Employees will be happy if the employer is honest with them because retail business plays a vital role in the lives of the people in the community. Dishonesty in retailing can lead to legal consequences and possible lawsuits. Whysall (2009) highlights a case where a customer was sold a counterfeit electronic product. The retailer had stocked counterfeit Sony items intentionally. Upon realization, the customer filed a law suit that he was deceived prior to the transaction (Whysall, 2000). In the legal proceedings, the retailer was found for guilty for malpractice and counterfeiting. The retailer’s permit to operate was revoked. In addition, the customer was compensated in full for the money spent

Fiction Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fiction Analysis - Essay Example In the very time, she takes the opportunity to go out and to her surprise she meets her husband contrary to the news the sister had delivered to her a short while. The experience led to her collapse and eventual death. This short story begins with who apparently is the main character in the story and the sister to the woman described in the story. She is referred to as sister of Louise; the woman on the other side is referred to as Josephine. Josephine is depicted as a woman with great traits as kindness, nurturing, and strength. The traits attributed to Josephine in a way had been experienced by the author who in the story was raised by the mother and other nuns in a catholic school (Chopin, 18). It can then be deduced that the traits in this story was part of her life initially. The author’s (Kate Chopin) father died in a railroad accident in the early days and presumably this is why the story in this book has been framed in away that thee sister fictitiously tell the accident story to the woman (Chopin, 27). Because the father died when she was young, it may have appeared to her in a dream that her father was not hurt as it really was and that he one day came home-this may have had some influence in the orientation of the story. The woman described in this story equally was widowed in her prime age and from this, she learnt on how to earn a living from writing without depending on anybody (Chopin, 32). The story did not exempt the engagement of irony and satire in which the sister to the woman, Louise made the all radical decision to be free as a woman who is entitled to herself to exhaust the experiences in life. She decides to triumph in her bid and finally lived see this happen. The hidden lesson of the story is rather hidden in the sense that even no reference is made to the historical event, it tends to communicate a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Report on British Airways Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Report on British Airways - Case Study Example The oneworld members work on bilateral basis. They have code sharing and marketing alliances (BA fact book 2007). They sell tickets of one another offering more destinations to their passengers. The group eventually grew to eight members and 23 affiliates by 2001, and collectively served more than 200 million passengers in 133 countries with 566 destinations. Besides, BA has two fully owned subsidiaries also. These are BA Cityflyer which flies from London city airport to all destinations in Europe and Openskies flies to Europe and New York BA is a public company with 43,501 employees and an employee growth of 12.9% annually. The sales in financial year ending in March 2007 was $16,663.0M with annual increase of 12.5% and net income was $596.5M showing a growth of 131.7%. Martin F. Broughton is currently the chairman and Willie Walsh is the chief executive. The finances of BA are managed by Air Cargo Services. (; ). BA, though made a public Limited Company in 1985 but its stocks were retained by the government till these could be offered to the public. The opposition to privatization was opposed on the grounds of its huge debts and also by British Caledonian stating BA too large to compete with. 1. The ability to carry out expansion plans successfully received a blow when chaos occurred at Heathrow terminal 5 opening. Hundreds of flights were cancelled and thousands of bags lost. The staff was not trained to handle the new baggage handling system and software too did not work well. Later Willie tried to compensate somewhat for the debacle by surrendering his bonus. Nevertheless, it exposed the shortcomings of the expansion plan or may be the haste. Though, there was an apology from Willie Walsh, BA passengers are not going to forget or forgive the debacle for quite sometime (Webster 2008). 1. Staff survey in 1992, rated BA as poor employer despite the HRM initiatives. The staff stated that BA attracts, retains and develops committed employees (Hofpl 1992; Lundy & Cowling 1996 as cited in McCourt & Eldridge 2003: 37). 2. In mid-1997 BA faced a damaging strike due to its attempt to impose new payscales without negotiations with the employees (Walich, 1997 as cited in McCourt & Eldridge 2003). 3. Recently, in 2007 nearly 4500 ground staff refused to accept the pension plan and went on strike. They stated disparity between ground staff and cabin crew options. (Guardian 2007). 4. The environmental issues are also getting bigger everyday with people vowing to cut down on air travel for environmental safety. There are campaigns by Greenpeace and other organisations that aviation companies are not considering enough for environmental protection. BA is likely to lose more on this ground than other UK airlines (Timesonline 2008). The environmental and noise pollution issues raised protests on expansion plans of Heathrow airport to increase its passenger capacity. The chairman replied to Greenpeace that upgradation is good for environment since the queuing up of planes would be reduced and so the climate change gas emission (BBC News Channel, 2007). The organisation constantly undergoes reorganisation and resizing to be flexible and adaptive to changing customer and the staff has to mould. To help staff adapt itself to change, the

Interpreting Financial Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Interpreting Financial Statements - Essay Example The number of days in inventory for Pepsico is 40 days whereas it is 64 days for Coca – Cola. It is evident that Pepsico is more effective in converting its inventory into sale and hence has a better liquidity position in terms of the revenue generated. Both the companies have almost equally geared in terms of debt. The debt to total assets ratio is an indication of the company’s long term growth capacity and its ability to generate more capital through debts. Both Coca – Cola and Pepsico have significant interest coverage, as the earnings are almost 33 times the interest expenses. Hence it is evident that the companies will not face any issues in covering the interest expenses. The cash debt coverage is a measure of the ability of the company to cover its debts with the liquid cash in hand generated from the operations. Though both the firms have a significant value, Pepsico is able to generate higher cash from its operations and hence can manage about 57% of its debts with the cash from operations. The free cash flow, as the name indicates, is measured in million USD and is found that in 2004, Coca – Cola has a free cash of $ 5,213 million whereas Pepsico has about $ 3,667 million. It is evident that Coca – Cola has significantly higher free cash compared to that of Pepsico. It is clear from the values that Coca – Cola is able to convert 22% of its revenue as earnings or profit, whereas Pepsico converts only 14% of its revenue into income. Hence the profitability of Coca – Cola is comparatively much higher than that of Pepsico. This is the percentage of revenue after all the expenses, interests and taxes that is available to the shareholders and to the company. The Asset Turnover rate determines the ability of the company to effectively utilize its assets to generate revenue. It is important to note that a company generating high revenues may not actually be effective if its utilizing much

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Students must demonstrate the ability to identify, assemble, and Research Paper

Students must demonstrate the ability to identify, assemble, and disseminate extant information relating to a topic in - Research Paper Example 205). Majority of Americans, whether supporters of the Republicans, the Democrats or Independent candidates, have repeatedly put into perspective the religious beliefs, values, and principles of political contenders in the run up to the country’s elections. For instance, religious affiliations of Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, Bill Clinton, George Bush, John F. Kennedy, William Howard, Ronald Reagan, and Barrack Obama among others played significant part in view of their chances to clinch the presidency. While most of these candidates were purportedly Christians going by the official membership, American electorates also considered a number of them Muslims, deists, or even atheists (Newport, p. 205). In essence, religious affiliations always became subject of scrutiny and criticism during political campaigns and had significant impact in the candidate’s ability to articulate his plans and schema for the country and citizens. Controversies that surrounded Mitt Romney ’s religious affiliations played a role in his shocking loss to President Obama. Review of Literature Religious affiliations of political candidates have boosted or narrowed down their chances to clinch the presidency and other political positions in the United States. ... Even political parties have been subject of scrutiny as far as religion is concerned. In essence, most allegations lack substantial proof and attestation. Various scholars have attested to the issue of religious belief and affiliation especially during campaign periods in America. According to Fisher and Koch (2004, p. 62), Roman Catholics emerged as the most preferred religious affiliation by most presidents. However, their book The Entrepreneurial College President, indicate a huge disparity in terms of the chances that a Roman Catholic presidential candidate has to become an effective president of the Unites States. Hence, there is serious underrepresentation of the Roman Catholics by considering the number of effective presidents they ever produced since the country attained its political independence. In their analysis, a meager 24.5 percent indicated preference for a Roman Catholic president (Fisher & Koch, p. 62). The trend is more shocking when one considers the Baptist presi dential representation. Apparently, Americans who subscribe to the Baptist denomination constitute a skimpy 16.3 percent of the entire population. The mainstream Protestant denominations such as the Lutheran, the Methodist, and Presbyterian are surprisingly overrepresented despite their minimal frequency in the entire country’s population. According to Fischer and James, the Presbyterian Church constitutes less than 3 percent (precisely 2.7 percent) yet it enjoys massive representation in the overall presidency outlook (Fisher & Koch, p. 62). However, the study indicated no preference for a Muslim president notwithstanding realism of the religion constituting a significant percentage of the

Environmental Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Environmental Pollution - Essay Example There are four various rank of coal: anthracite, bituminous, lignite and sub-bituminous (Plant et al., 2012). The fuel obtained from coal has several uses in industries and other sectors such as power stations. In power stations, coal is used as a fuel, in generating of electricity. Coal accounts for 39 percent of the world’s electricity. Electricity is essential in promoting economic growth and improving living standards. Coal is also used in the making of cement. It is used as a fuel to give the high temperatures required, approximately 1450 degrees Celsius, in the furnace used in the burning of raw materials used in making cement. The raw materials include calcium carbonate, iron oxide, silica and alumina which are combined and burnt to produce clinker. The clinker is then combined with gypsum to produce cement. Purified coal tar is used in the production of chemicals like naphthalene, benzene, cresol oil. Ammonia gas found in coke furnace is used for making ammonia salts, fertilizers used in agriculture and nitric acid. The manufacture of steel and iron is dependent on coal. Coal is burnt in hot kilns for production coke. The coke is then used for extraction of iron from its ore in order to make steel. Coal is also used to make plastics by the use of methanol and ethylene found in coal. Coal industry has several negative impacts on the environment. The effects include thermal pollution, formation of acid rain, micro plastics, and presence of mercury in fish, acidification of oceans, flourishing of algae, and death of fish. When coal is burnt it releases mercury into the atmosphere, which settles in water bodies with time. When the fish take in the polluted water, mercury accumulates in their body fat. When nitrogen, a byproduct of combustion of coal, finds its way into the rivers or lakes, it increases the nutrient level in the water bodies causing eutrophication. It also results to the bloom of algae. Sulphur (IV) oxide and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Guide Of Using Of Internet For Patient Assignment

Guide Of Using Of Internet For Patient - Assignment Example Agatha is a twenty-eight-year-old married woman. She has been married for one year now and has not had conception yet. Agatha misses her menses and goes to the hospital for medical check-up and examination. A laboratory test conducted in the laboratory reveals that Agatha is about three weeks pregnant. Three weeks on, Agatha goes to the hospital again and she is asked to go and take a scan of her pregnancy because it is a new hospital. When Agatha goes to take the scan, the result is that the fetus is not seen. The morning before the scan, Agatha saw blood stains in her panty. Agatha comes home from the hospital very worried because the doctor did not give her much information about the two experiences she had today expect that she is given a referral date. She is very desperate to get information because this is her first pregnancy and she is very naà ¯ve about this new health concern. Her greatest fear is that there are several cases of miscarriage in her family and so she is simp ly confused and needs more information.As a family member, health practitioner and someone very familiar with the use of the internet, I would recommend the website, for Agatha. On the contrary, I would advise Agatha against visiting My choice of website for Agatha is based on the guidelines given on the first page. The Women’s Health Website (2011) is recommended because of a number of reasons:1. The website is a government-hosted website.... s (2007) Scenario and Recommendations It is appreciated by the NSW Department of Education and Training (2011) that â€Å"the growth of the World Wide Web to more than 2 billion web pages makes searching and finding information like trying to find the proverbial â€Å"needle in a haystack.† Likely, there are search engines that make the search of information very simple. Agatha is a twenty eight year old married woman. She has been married for one year now and has not had conception yet. Agatha misses her menses and goes to the hospital for medical check up and examination. Laboratory test conducted at the laboratory reveals that Agatha is about three weeks pregnant. Three weeks on, Agatha goes to the hospital again and she is asked to go and take a scan of her pregnancy because it is a new hospital. When Agatha goes to take the scan, the result is that the fetus is not seen. The morning before the scan, Agatha saw blood stains in her panty. Agatha comes home from the hospita l very worried because the doctor did not give her much information about the two experiences she had today expect that she is given a referral date. She is very desperate to get information because this is her first pregnancy and she is very naive about this new health concern. Her greatest fear is that there are several cases of miscarriage in her family and so she is simply confused and needs more information. As a family member, health practitioner and someone very familiar with the use of the internet, I would recommend the website, for Agatha. On the contrary, I would advise Agatha against visiting My choice of website for Agatha is based on the guidelines given on the first page. The Women’s Health Website (2011) is

Human Resource Management - Yahoo Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Human Resource Management - Yahoo - Coursework Example ent high numbers of employees who are highly paid do not create the required difference in order to improve the competitiveness of the company in the market. The demand for labor in Yahoo is based on pressure put by competitors. With only few qualified personnel in the market, the company is under pressure to hire new employees in order to prevent them from joining the rival firms. However, instead of the company hiring out of pressure, it should first maximize the returns by the existing subordinates. This is through providing them with a serene working environment where they can be able to maximize their potential through innovation. This would play a significant role in improving the competitive advantage of the company in the market. The first action that will strengthen the internal recruitment process is training of the panel that will be recruiting new employees. New recruits need to fit in the organizational structure. Therefore, the panel needs to ensure that they recruit an employee who would auger well with the current organizational goals and objectives. Therefore, through training, the panel will be able to select the best employees who will be able to integrate with the organizational culture. The internal recruitment process would be strengthened through drafting an effective performance appraisal. The drafting process should involve all the employees. This is through collecting their views on what they would like the performance appraisal to look like. This would make them feel appreciated and work hard because they are sure that the appraisal would be able to recognize their effort. The use of the performance appraisal would make the recruitment to be more transparent, an aspect that would motivate the employees to put more effort in order to be promoted. The Yahoo corporate strategy is to grow and become more competitive (Hill and Gareth 233). The employees understand the challenges that the company is going through. Therefore, this strategy

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Iron Curtain, Marshall Plan and Berlin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Iron Curtain, Marshall Plan and Berlin - Essay Example and military barrier to communication; it was established between the democratic countries like Western Europe and communist countries like Soviet Union. There was also an agreement signed for free access to Berlin (Berlin 1948-1949). Winston Churchill delivered his Iron Curtain speech which gave birth to cold war. The Iron Curtain speech was about the victory of America and the power they hold; he wanted peace and co operation with the United Nations. He wanted to establish a good relationship between Americans and Britain by calling them English speaking cousins. There will be a mutual security agreement and they will work together for establishing peace (Iron Curtain 1945-1947). He was in favor of America and totally against Russia which was a very strong starting point of the cold war which lasted for years. He threatened that the Western and Eastern Europe will get separated and this was the Iron Curtain which will be established. He wanted a defense pact and wanted to establish a proper military setup along with creating moral unity. Western foreign policies setup along with a vivid picture of cold war being established are few highlighting points of the Iron Curtain speech. Another important point was the Marshall plan or more popularly known as the European recovery plan. Marshall was not happy with the pace of the recovery of Europe post world war. He introduced programs for development of America and Western Europe. The basic requirement was here to build a better economic plan rather than fighting a battle against Russia. There was a chaos in Europe and the requirement was to eliminate causes of starvation, poverty and anxiety rather than fighting a war against Russia. The plan was directed to improve the economy. Some saw this recovery plan as an attempt to divide Europe and the main cause of the cold war however the Marshall plan was an extended version of the Iron Curtain whose major concern was to establish Europe after world war. Marshall Plan

Therapeutic Communication Essay Example for Free

Therapeutic Communication Essay The medical dictionary describes a therapeutic communication as â€Å"A process in which the nurse consciously influences a client or helps the client to a better understanding through verbal or nonverbal communication†. This communication summary will describe an event which occurred on a work placement in practise. A reflective frame work will be used to evaluate the interaction; Gibb’s reflective model will be used within the essay. hilst on placement with the district nurse we received a call from a patient informing us that her leg was not â€Å"quite right†, as she has problems with her eye sight she wasn’t able to give us a description on what state her leg was in. I went out and discovered when observing that this patient had leg ulceration which was on both sides of her left leg. I questioned descriptively to see how long she was feeling uncomfortable, she reported that it was over two months; this enabled me to place the event in time and helped me to gain a visual picture of the circumstances. I encouraged description of events by asking the patient how it went on noticed as she has carers visiting her twice a day to apply creams. It happened as a result in the carers having communication issues as they did not report changes on the breakdown of the patient’s skin. Whilst focusing on the wound I decided the appropriate form of intervention would be compression bandages. The patient was reluctant to have a bandage applied to her leg although I empathised with the patient by informing them what would happen if the appropriate bandage was not applied and that it was the only possible way of getting it to heal properly. At the time I was thinking that the patient was not informing me properly and felt they were not telling me the full story of how the wound got to the stage it has. The fact that I got information from the patient was good as I was able to see how they felt and what appropriate measures had to be taken. The bad part of the experience was that the patient seemed reluctant to give me information as she didn’t want the wound to appear as bad and she was trying to avoid bandages being applied to her legs. I realised that the situation was not managed well, and that if there was no communication issues between the carers and the district nurse the situation would have been avoided. I could have asked a lot more closed questions and kept open questions to a minimal to gather specific information. I also could have reassured the patient a lot more by telling them that the decision of using compression bandages and explained the purpose of using compression, and explained how this would make a huge different to the wound in a short period of time. If the situation was to rise again I would approach it a lot more sensitively and I would try and gather more information by firstly gaining a better rapport with the patient, then asking open questions to gather a wider amount of information, then to gain specific information I would ask closed questions. This will allow me to get all the information I need and at the same time the patient will be more relaxed and comfortable with the decision and outcome.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Very Indian Poem in English Essay Example for Free

A Very Indian Poem in English Essay Nissim Ezekiel is one of those Indian poets writing in English who creates an authentic flavor of India, by his use of Indian English Pidgin English on Bazar English, as it is often called. In this poem, the Indian flavor has been created by stressing the various mistakes which Indians commit in their use of English, by bringing in the hopes and aspirations of free India, and also the attitudes of her two hostile neighbors, China and Pakistan. Poetic Inspiration for the Poem: It all started as a comment by a friend who said that you write in English no doubt and you write English well but you dont seem to even know or realise that thousands of Indians speak what can only be called Indian English, So from that time in all his train journeys from Mithibai College back home, he started to take some interest in the way English was being spoken on the train. Every time he heard an obvious Indian English phrase like, Im not knowing only. he would take it down. When he had about a thousand of these, he thought of creating this present poem. The Indian Living Conditions: Ezekiel presents that the new generation is going after fashion and foreign things. He presents the typical Indian make up. The Indian living conditions are sought to be portrayed. The India of yester years is no longer to be seen here, as modernization and industrialization have speeded up the process of change. The regrettable thing in the modern world is the act of violence and anti – social tendencies proving to be a menace. Still the positive aspects like regeneration, remuneration and contraception could be thought of as a way out of the present muddle. One can certainly hope for the better and propagate the best that is thought as unique. Ancient Indian Wisdom: In the second stanza, the readers get a peep into things Indians as Gandhis heir, he would opt for peace and non violence. He is puzzled why others are not following Gandhis advice while in this estimate, the ancient Indian wisdom is correct, contrastively the modern generation takes it to whatever is western and fashionable like other Indians, he too has to improve his English language. The student interest and petty agitations make him feel sickening line Antonys appeal to the Roman mob, he will call upon the fellow citizens to think of the past masters. Thus in the third stanza, he pronounces, In order to get away from that which is disgusting, he wants to have a cup of wine which is very good for digestion. It can be taken as equivalent to the western wine if only a little salt is added to make it a lovely drink. The poet confesses that he is the total abstainer from drinks while it is taken by addicts to gunch themselves, he for his part would turn to simple drinks like lassi. Thus, the poet tries to receive the old Gandhian days. The World Situation Today: In the fourth stanza, the poet is able to think aloud and offer his comments on the world situation today. The present conditions all over the world speak of a bad trend that give an edge to the production of dangerous weapons and try to be superior to others. The countries of the world often tie with each other in keeping themselves ahead of others in this mad competitive world. This retrace often leads to conflicts resulting in loss of precious human lives. If only one considers the other as the brother; the trend could be changed. Unity in Diversity: India is a land where the principle of unity in Diversity is practiced. Here many communities live together even though there are some problems. This ideal situation in which one Co-exists with the other is described as Ram Rajya by the poet. He gives the hand of friendliness to the visitor and expects him to come again. The poet is optimistic when he says that he enjoys every moment of good company. So, he ends the poem by saying that he does not feel the necessity of celebrating ceremonies. Common Mistakes ‘highlighted’ in the Poem: Substrate influence on grammar is quite common. It is often frowned upon as wrong, but eventually becomes a regular part of the new language variant. The Patriot contains a number of Indian English examples: the reduplication of verbs in fighting fighting, the lack of indefinite and definite articles in threw stone at Indirabehn and all people of world, the use of one instead of the indefinite article a in one glass lassi, the excessive use of the definite article the in not that I am ever tasting the wine, the excessive use of the continuous tense (the -ing form) in I am standing for peace and non-violence, the omission of an obligatory object pronoun in modern generation is neglecting (instead of neglecting this) etc. Again, this is a satirical poem rather than a genuine example of Indian English, but the phenomena exemplified are genuine enough. Conclusion: Nissim Ezekiel occupies a unique position among Indo-Anglian poets of post-Independence era. Nissim opposed the idealism and romanticism of the earlier group of Indian writers in English, and tried to look at any typical Indian situation with an Indian attitude, with a novel and dynamic Indian insight. He cleverly manipulated Indian English to bring out the Indian worldview. Thus Ezekiel uses Indian English, or Babu Angrezi in his poetry to depict the characteristics of Indian attitude. He used irony as a weapon to depict the characteristic features of Indian attitude.

The Business Factor of McDonalds planning

The Business Factor of McDonalds planning MacDonald s is the largest food chain in the world and is number one in annual sales. MacDonald also offers a variety of products keeping in view the socio-religious factors. They also offer drive-through services for customers on the move, promoting itself as a time efficient company. Business factors Growth of MacDonald: McDonald s has been looking for a growth strategy for a very long time. And their foreign operation amount for more than half the company s revenue. McDonald has over 30,000 restaurants over 100 countries in the world today. And they maintain the top position in the fast food industry for the past 50 years. Their sale roses to 5.8% at the restaurant chains European outlets in 2006, boosted by the United Kingdom launch of a new bacon burger and a price game in Germany. MacDonald s performed strongly in other markets, reflecting its steady recovery from sharp sales down turn in 2002. They have added healthier option to its menu to try to attract more and new customers. Over the past few years, MacDonald has been offering a wider range of salads and fruits as well as premium strength coffee to gain more customers. The trading sales of Macdonald s have risen to 6.3% in the fourth quarter and were up 5.7% for 2006 as a whole. This was achieving through a better strategies by making the meals relevant and affordable to the customers. MacDonald Business Declines after 2006: The company was hit by the global economic slowdown and scarcer over the safety of beef in overseas markets. MacDonald faces a further criticism over the effect of its products on the health of consumer. But instead MacDonald continues to be ambitious with plans to add more than a thousand restaurants this year to its chain of 30,000 outlets worldwide. The company was critics about the product of their foods and how its affect the people health by contribution to the fattening of the people .this was a very serious case with lead MacDonald to think of a better strategy to retain their customer and also help the people on the health product. Business changes of Macdonald After going through allot of complains and critics about the product, the company sales started to drop down and the management now thought of a better strategy to retain their customer and also make them happy. The company now introduce a LOW-FAT yogurts and a choice of salads will be among the new lines on offer. Customer service will be improved and the firm will stop its rush to open new restaurant and concentrate instead on keeping customer and attracting new ones to existing branches. MacDonald labour cost control and business competitors: The company have tried to control their labour cost by employing the right people to do the job properly to over shadow their competitor. During the critic of their product, other little restaurant started coming out and crating names to them self. But now MacDonald get the right people with the right skill to provide a better customer services to their customer in other to retain them and get new once. They also provide a better technology that will make it quicker and easier to serve their customer and keep them happy. 2.2 Human Resources Requirement Before Macdonald would open a new branch, they have to take a good look on the following; ? Identifying personal requirement of every staffs should be the first thing. ? The numbers of staffs they need in the company at a particular time. The number of staffs can help improve the company sales. Companies don t like running short of staffs; there prefer having enough staffs that will provide a better services to their customers. Macdonald always knows the right time to get more staffs for assistance especially during lunch break. They make sure customers are served in a good way and a fast way. ? Skills: the skills of staffs can also be important. Employee skill can help the company to provide faster services and render a better customer services. ? Experience: working experience is another important Human resources requirement. Someone with a good working experience always does the job well because he/she has done the job before and was corrected before. Macdonald make sure their staffs under go through a special training before there can start serving the customer. This will help the company to render the best services to the people. ? Qualification: this is another human resources requirement that help to give the worker confident on what they are doing. The qualification of every staffs will determine how the staffs are going to render and learn more about the company. It will also determine how a staff can render a better communication with the customer and the managements of the company. Someone with a degree is going to have more self confident in doing the business than someone with a high school certificate. These are the requirement the organisation need to look into to achieve its objectives. The Human Resources Requirement can be very important in every organisation. Organisation Requirement: This can be internal or external; Internal: labour requirement can be is what the organisation should consider. The number of labour the organisation needs at a particular time and place. Labour can be very important in every organisation in other to render a better services. Skill Requirement: These are the skills the company need to provide to improve and increase their sales. With the skills, a good marketing strategy can be made and it will help to increase the sales of the company. Good working Environment: The working environment is another important human resources requirement. A good working environment will enable the worker to provide quicker and better quality goods and services to the customer. Good communication between the manager and staffs: They should be a better communication between the staffs and manager in other for the management to get the staffs opinions about the product and services they are rendering. In MacDonald, it is very hard for you to point out who is the manager and who are the staffs. The relationship with manage are so close that every worker keep smiling to themselves. The good relationship between the staffs and the managers can also help the company to get to their goals. EXTERNAL FACTORS: Government Policies: The government policies are big issues that affect every company. The government can make a change at any time and this will affect every business and the economy. Employment: Employment is a big issue that is hitting the United Kingdom economy now. The increase in VAT and the cut in benefit have also affected the people. So the increase of unemployment has raised more. Education: MacDonald providing Education for staff to give more ideas about the economic and organisation is very important. But not all organisations are willing to do that especially with the increase in fees and vat. Training: This is another important thing that most company love to do. Sending of staffs to special training, letting them to attend seminars.etc will also help the organisation to reach their objective because the staffs will know more about business and will be able to render better services. Demand for labour: with the increase in vat and the cut in benefit, we find out that the demand for labour became very high. Everybody wants to work to get money. Not allot of people are spending much now. Everyone is trying to save money. Supply for Labour: the demand for labour is high and the supply for labour is low. Not allot of company are willing to employ staffs now because of the changes made by the government. Every organisation is trying to lower their expensive and purchase.s 2.3 HUMAN RESOUCES PLANS FOR MAC DONALDS HR S ROLE Purpose STRATEGIC FRAME WORK MC DONALD PEOPLE MEASUREMENT Our role is to foster a high performance culture that is supported by our talented and engaged people and organisational resources essential for sustaining superior business performance. We will achieve this by designing processes, providing tools, and transferring knowledge to our leaders required for developing and continuously improving such a culture. Recruitment and selection Employment Experience /development Employee Talent/skills Rewards Employment images The overall aim is to obtain at minimum cost the number and quality of employees required to satisfy the human resources need of the organisation. Provides a positive employment experience through respectful employment treatment and compliance with labour and employment laws. and also developing the staffs by providing training and allowing them to attend seminars. Establish a strong talent management plan to identify and develop talent at all levels while creating a diverse workforce Implement the global total reward strategy to support a strong pay for performance culture Communicate a compelling Mc Donald s employment brand that tell our story and builds respect for Mc Donald s. Employee commitment External Best Employer Recognition Employee pride Customer experience-competitive advantage (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })() These plans generally serve one of the two purpose either they provide direction for those organisation that have not integrated Human Resource Management into strategic plan or they are used as implementation plans which support Human Resources Management goals, Strategic, and Measures. These plans are particularly important to those organisations that do not integrate Human Resources Management into the wide plan because it helps them map out where they want the Human Resources. Most of these plans focus on internal Human Resources office program activities and the HR always try to accomplish their mission to enable them achieve their objectives. 2.4 How Human Resources plan contribute to meeting the MacDonald objectives: Staff retention: Macdonald tries to keep their staffs and give them promotions to enable them become a manager of a branch someday in the future. Staff retention is very important to most organisations. This will help the staffs to know what really is happening within the organisation and try to suggest a best opinion to fight that out. Employee development: this is another important human resource plan. Employee development is another best way to improve customer services in the company. Providing the employee with training and good skills on how to render a good service can keep the employee and customer happy. And it will help the organisation to reach its objectives. Up skilling: This is the act of providing worker extra training to make them better. For example sending staffs to additional training and meetings. Up skilling will also help the company to have the best staffs that will render the best services to their customers. Re skilling: This is the act of teaching someone something new especially an unemployed person. Re skilling will help the person to get ideas about the company and how to render better services. Macdonald Human Resource planning is concerned with getting the right people, using them well and developing them in order to meet the company goals. In order to meet their objectives, MacDonald aim successfully, it is necessary to identify the means of using people in the most effective way and to identify any question that are likely to occur for example recruiting the best people and coming with solutions. 3.1 THE PURPOSE OF STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN AN ORGANISATION In simple terms, an organisation s human resources management strategy should maximize return on investment in the organisation s human capital and minimize financial risk. Human Resource seeks to achieve this by aligning the supply of skilled and qualified individuals and the capabilities of the current workforce, with the organisations ongoing and future business plans and requirements to maximize return on investment and secure future survival and success. In ensuring such objectives are achieved, the human resources function purpose in this context is to implement the organisation human resource requirements effectively but also pragmatically taking account of legal, ethical and as far as is practical in a manner that retains the support and respect of the workforce. Recruitment and Selection: According to Edwin B. Flippo, Recruitment is the process of searching the candidate for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. Selection is the process that leads to employment of persons who possess the ability and qualification to perform the jobs which have fallen vacant in an organisation. The recruitment and selection has help MacDonald to bring in the best and right people to do the job well and lead them to achieve the objectives. Health and Safety: This is the procedure for identifying workplace hazards and reducing accidents and exposure to harmful personnel and exposure to harmful personnel in accident prevention, accident response, emergency preparedness and use of productive clothing and equipment. Equity and Diversity: These are two distinct concepts which work together to encourage a workplace that values difference in individuals and fairness. Workplace diversity maintains the basic principle of equity and therefore, includes measures of remedy any employment-related. Training and Development: it is very important that new employees are given adequate training. Macdonald provides the best training and development for their staffs to enable them to give out the best services to their customer. Pay: Macdonald is a big restaurant with so many branches around the world and help to reduce the unemployment around us. The Company give a good pay to their staffs and encourage them to work. Performance: The Company always chose a right time to check the performance of their workers. The performance of the worker can help the company to make the right changes at the right time and the right department of the workers. These has help MacDonald to build a better services. 3.2 THE REGULATORY REQUIRMENTS ON HUMAN RESOUCES POLICIES IN AN ORGANISATION: The Employment Act 2008 Strengthens, Simplifies and clarifies key aspects of United Kingdom employment law. The Act brings together both element of element of the previous government s employment relation strategy increasing protection for vulnerable worker and lightening the load for law abiding business. The Employment Relation Act 2004 is mainly concerned with collective labour law and trade union rights. It implements the fining of the review of the employment relations act 1999, announced by the secretary of state in July 2002. The centrepiece of the 1999 act was the establishment of a statutory procedure for the recognition of trade unions by employers for collective bargaining purpose. Employment Right Act 1996(ERA) was passed originally by conservative government 1996. It consolidated a number of previous statutes dating from the contracts of employment act 1963. It deals with right that most employees can get when they work, including unfair dismissal, reasonable notice before dismissal, time of rights for parenting, redundancy and more. Work and families: choice and flexibility, which was published in October 2005. It aims to establish a balanced package to right and responsibilities for both employers and employee In line with the government better regulations agenda. The work and families legislation will: Extend maternity and adoption pay from six months from April 2007, toward the goal of a year s paid leave by the end of the parliament. Extend the night to request flexible working to carer of adults from April 2007. The Equal pay act 1970 is an act of the United Kingdom parliament which prohibits and less favourable treatment between men and women in terms of pay and conditions of employment. It was passed by parliament in the aftermath of the 1968 ford sewing machinists strike. National minimum wage act 1998 : An Act to make provision for and in connection with a national minimum wage, to provide for the amendment of certain enactment relating to the remuneration of persons employed in agriculture; and for connected purposes.[31st July 1998] The Disability Discrimination Act 1995(c50) is an act of the parliament of the United Kingdom which has now been repeated and replaced by the equality act 2010. Formerly, it made it unlawful to discriminate against people in respect of their disabilities in relation to employment, the provision of goods and services, education and transport. The EU working time directive (2003/88/EC) is a European Union Directive, which creates the right for EU workers to a minimum number of holidays each year, paid breaks, and test of at least 11 hours in any 24 hours work while restricting excessive night work and, a default right to work no more than 48 hours per week. It was issued as an update on an earlier version on 22 June 2000. Excessive working time being a major cause of stress depression and illness, the purpose of the directive is to protect people health and safety. Data protective Act 1998 an act to make new provision for the regulation of the processing of information relation11 to individuals including the obtaining, holding, use or disclosure of such information. [16 July 1998] How is Mc Donalds regulation policy management Under the employment right and responsibility MacDonald doesn t give equal right and selection. The prefer to employ the younger once rather than a old once due to the fact that young once are more energetic and fast than the older once and this is a discrimination.