Saturday, March 21, 2020

Teachers Job Description †Psychology Essay

Teachers Job Description – Psychology Essay Free Online Research Papers Teachers Job Description Psychology Essay The job description is a detailed duty statement about what activities, chores, duties a person will have while they are at the job. This duty statement is about an early childhood teacher. The job description gives a lot of detail about what is expected from a person who is early childhood trained when they join the job. The statement clearly sets out a few points under administration. The teacher has to take on the role of the authorized supervisor when required and also has to take care of any administration duties for a particular room or even the centre. They also have top assist and advice with requirements of equipment that is needed for a room or centre and make sure that each child is formally signed in and out of centre. Although this description tells a lot about what administration skills are required, it does not have as much detail as it could. It does say carry out administrative duties but there is no example of it that would make it clearer. Although you do not need any formal training for administration duties, it is better to know what is expected of you before you start a job. The description also has details about the centers policy and what they believe in. Although there is not a set section for management and leadership like there was for administration, there are statements that could be classified as management such as ‘effectively solve day to day problems and deal with unexpected occurrences according to centre philosophy, policies and procedures. Ebbeck and Waniganyake(2003, p.17) point out that ‘ currently there is no agreed definition of leadership in the early childhood field†¦.’.An example of leadership could be – ‘the teacher works as a member of a team and provides leadership in designing and implementing a high quality program†¦.’. Leadership is the long term objectives that is based on a idea or a vision of what you want the future to be like. It is argued by Rodd (third edition, p.41) that ‘female approach to leadership is argued to be more appropriate and successful in today’s world generally and early childhood specifically’. So when they say that early childhood is a female dominated field, then generally it will be better led as females are supportive, collaborative, sympathetic, caring. As leadership is difficult to identify, Rodd has come up with a typology which is a ‘framework for classifying selected factors or features’. The typology has personal characteristics, professional skills and r oles/responsibilities. Administration is the day to day housekeeping tasks, management is taking care of the present and the future and leadership is based on a vision towards the future. When it comes to these three concepts, it might be confusing as to which is what because they might overlap and people might not think of themselves as managers or leaders. People from different cultures might also get confused as these concepts might not mean the same in their culture. The job description has a lot of sub headings and provides some details under each, but they could be more expanded. For example – ‘make good professional practice†¦.’, but what is a professional? A definition of a professional could have major differences depending on people’s cultures, values and beliefs. This is supported by Hargreaves and Ivor Goodson(1996,p.4) ‘what it means to be a professional, to show professionalism or to pursue professionalisation is not universally ag reed or understood’. At the end of the job description, the employee has to sign and date the form. When it comes to administration, staff input should always be asked for as these decisions might effect them directly. The duty statement might be better understood if a director or another person responsible for the centre explains it to the new employee. That way they can explain any question or queries and can make it clearer so that they understand what administration, management and leadership qualities they need for the job. When it comes to these concepts and dealing with them in early childhood settings, it is better to consult staff that are involved in every case and every time. That way they staff will feel involved and can even give hints or ideas that one person might not have been able to think of by themselves. A team is better at coming up with ideas than a single person. So consultation is very important! Research Papers on Teacher's Job Description - Psychology EssayTrailblazing by Eric AndersonThe Project Managment Office SystemThree Concepts of PsychodynamicOpen Architechture a white paperStandardized TestingBringing Democracy to AfricaResearch Process Part OneMind TravelHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Creation by a Divine Craftsmen OR Creation From Nothing

Creation by a Divine Craftsmen OR Creation From Nothing Free Online Research Papers Is creation by a divine craftsman the same as creation by decree or creation from nothing? How, if at all, do they differ? How did evil arise? These are question I will be answering in this essay. While creation from divine craftsman and creation from nothing both use a preexisting divine creator they are actually very different accounts of cosmogony. As for how evil arose some religions deal with this matter when they discuss the creation of the world and humanity, others do not but they each have unique theories. Creation by divine craftsman is a theory of cosmogony where a preexisting creator has, like a craftsmen, shaped or molded the world into existence. The material by which he creates the world is also preexisting and there is no account from which either originally has come. The creator uses the skill of craftsmanship and logic to create the preexisting material in to our world, because he is molding or shaping this preexisting material it is shown that there is a certain degree of resistance from the material to be changed into this world. Although creation from nothing also starts with a preexisting divine creator it is very different and I will now look at those differences. Creation by decree, or creation from nothing is a theory of creation where a divine creator simply speaks or wills the world into creation from no preexisting material. Like creation from a divine craftsmen there is no account of where or how this divine creator comes from and the creation is a deliberate and willed action. But unlike creation by divine craftsmen there is no preexisting material and the world is not created from being molded it is simply just spoken or willed from nothing. The creator is complete separate from his creation. One example of creation from nothing is the accounts of creation in the Bible’s Genesis. Which also leads into a theory of how evil was brought about to this world. The Jewish and Christian view of cosmogony is told in the Bible in Genesis. As holds true with the theory of a creation by nothing the world was created deliberately by a divine God’s will. The world which he created was said to be â€Å"good† but in a much broader sense, meaning it was divine, justice and righteous. There was no triadic flaw or any form of evil. When humankind was created they were put in high status above all of creation and given the gift of free will. However they choice to miss use this gift in rebellion and alienation of their divine creator. Through this choice evil is brought into the world. Evil continuous to endure and escalate, which therefore causes perversion to God’s righteous world and in turn suffering. Another theory about the origin of evil is seen in Buddhism. Buddhism teaches that there is no real start to evil, that it has always been. The theory of karma shows that evil is just a result of past actions. One’s present situation is nothing more than a result of his past action and therefore evil comes from bad action and blessings come from good action, it is a never ending cycle. In closing, while creation by divine craftsmanship and creation from nothing might have some similarities they are really very different theories. The start of evil is different with each religion and while it can be associated with the start of the world that is not always the case. Research Papers on Creation by a Divine Craftsmen OR Creation From NothingHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionWhere Wild and West MeetPETSTEL analysis of IndiaCapital PunishmentEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThree Concepts of PsychodynamicComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Project Managment Office SystemQuebec and Canada

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Atomic Bombs and How They Work

Atomic Bombs and How They Work There are two types of atomic explosions that can be facilitated by Uranium-235: fission and fusion. Fission, simply put, is a nuclear reaction in which an atomic nucleus splits into fragments (usually two fragments of comparable mass) all the while emitting 100 million to several hundred million volts of energy. This energy is expelled explosively and violently in the atomic bomb. A fusion reaction, on the other hand, is usually started with a fission reaction. But unlike the fission (atomic) bomb, the fusion (hydrogen) bomb derives its power from the fusing of nuclei of various hydrogen isotopes into helium nuclei. Atomic Bombs This article discusses the A-bomb or atomic bomb. The massive power behind the reaction in an atomic bomb arises from the forces that hold the atom together. These forces are akin to, but not quite the same as, magnetism. About Atoms Atoms are comprised of various numbers and combinations of the three sub-atomic particles: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons cluster together to form the nucleus (central mass) of the atom while the electrons orbit the nucleus, much like planets around a sun. It is the balance and arrangement of these particles that determine the stability of the atom. Splitability Most elements have very stable atoms which are impossible to split except by bombardment in particle accelerators. For all practical purposes, the only natural element whose atoms can be split easily is uranium, a heavy metal with the largest atom of all natural elements and an unusually high neutron-to-proton ratio. This higher ratio does not enhance its splitability, but it does have an important bearing on its ability to facilitate an explosion, making uranium-235 an exceptional candidate for nuclear fission. Uranium Isotopes There are two naturally-occurring isotopes of uranium. Natural uranium consists mostly of isotope U-238, with 92 protons and 146 neutrons (92146238) contained in each atom. Mixed with this is a 0.6% accumulation of U-235, with only 143 neutrons per atom. The atoms of this lighter isotope can be split, thus it is fissionable and useful in making atomic bombs. Neutron-heavy U-238 has a role to play in the atomic bomb as well since its neutron-heavy atoms can deflect stray neutrons, preventing an accidental chain reaction in a uranium bomb and keeping neutrons contained in a plutonium bomb. U-238 can also be saturated to produce plutonium (Pu-239), a man-made radioactive element also used in atomic bombs. Both isotopes of uranium are naturally radioactive; their bulky atoms disintegrating over time. Given enough time (hundreds of thousands of years), uranium will eventually lose so many particles that it will turn into lead. This process of decay can be greatly accelerated in what is known as a chain reaction. Instead of disintegrating naturally and slowly, the atoms are forcibly split by bombardment with neutrons. Chain Reactions A blow from a single neutron is enough to split the less-stable U-235 atom, creating atoms of smaller elements (often barium and krypton) and releasing heat and gamma radiation (the most powerful and lethal form of radioactivity). This chain reaction occurs when spare neutrons from this atom fly out with sufficient force to split other U-235 atoms that they come in contact with. In theory, it is necessary to split only one U-235 atom, which will release neutrons that will split other atoms, which will release neutrons ... and so on. This progression is not arithmetic; it is geometric and takes place within a millionth of a second. The minimum amount to start a chain reaction as described above is known as supercritical mass. For pure U-235, it is 110 pounds (50 kilograms). No uranium is ever quite pure, however, so in reality more will be needed, such as U-235, U-238, and Plutonium. About Plutonium Uranium is not the only material used for making atomic bombs. Another material is the Pu-239 isotope of the man-made element plutonium. Plutonium is only found naturally in minute traces, so useable amounts must be produced from uranium. In a nuclear reactor, uraniums heavier U-238 isotope can be forced to acquire extra particles, eventually becoming plutonium. Plutonium will not start a fast chain reaction by itself, but this problem is overcome by having a neutron source or highly radioactive material that gives off neutrons faster than the plutonium itself. In certain types of bombs, a mixture of the elements Beryllium and Polonium is used to bring about this reaction. Only a small piece is needed (supercritical mass is about 32 pounds, though as little as 22 can be used). The material is not fissionable in and of itself but merely acts as a catalyst to the greater reaction.